Create: Garnished adds many new foods and items, expanding on the Create mod!

Update | October 12th, 2024 | Released

Version 2.0 doesn't necessarily focus on adding new content, but instead focuses on Quality of Life additions or adjustments.

Decorative Additions | Through the Looking Glass

The nut and sepia wood types have finally recieved windows and window panes! This isn't too big of an addition, so there's not really a whole lot to talk about.

Wooden Windows

An example house with both Nut and Sepia Windows

Decorative Additions | Slooooow Down

Numbing Parchment can now be used to make Blocks of Numbing Parchment, which will slow down mobs that walk over it. Additionally, Blocks of Numbing Parchment can be used to make Numbing Clothe - similar to a carpet - that also slows down mobs that walk over it.

Numbing Parchment Blocks

Numbing Clothe and Numbing Parchment Block

Decorative Additions | No More Oak For Thee

Nut Trees will now naturally generate with 100% Nut Leaves instead of Oak Leaves. This shouldn't affect any current farm designs, the main difference being that you will no longer get Oak Saplings or Apples from these trees.

Decorative Additions | Crystalline Activities

Amber Remnant can now be used to make decorative blocks! The base Amber Remnant Blocks have connected textures while the brick blocks are, well, bricks.

Amber Remnant Blocks

Amber Remnant Blocks

Decorative Additions | Straight Jacket Blocks

Polar Bear Hide can also now be used to make docorative blocks! It can be crafted into a regular block of Polar Bear Hide or can be made into a Packed Block of Polar Bear Hide for a more brick-like look without actually being bricks.

Polar Bear Hide Blocks

Polar Bear Hide Blocks

Reworked Functions | Unconventional Brewing

Wyvern Stone blocks now can randomly apply one of eleven different status effects - Luck, Speed, Jump Boost, Resistance, Regeneration, Glowing, Strength, Haste, Fire Resistance, Night Vision, or Invisibility. These effects only last for 15 seconds, but if the given entity does not step off of the block, then the effect that wares off has a chance to be reapplied.

Wyvern Stone block Status Effects

A Wild Developer Running Across Wyvern Stone in Their Natural Habitat

Reworked Functions | Better! Stronger! *Not Faster!

Polar Hide Scratch Paper has been reworked to no longer cure Freezing, but instead be a more durable version of Sand Paper, having 32 durability instead of the typical 8 durability.

Reworked Functions | Sustainability

The Prickly (thorns) status effect has experienced some issues with causing a crash on both the client and server. This actually caused the effect to be reworked. This not only fixed the original issue, but it also made the effect better in a few ways.

The first change to the effect is that there is now an absolute minimum amount of damage that can be dealt to the attacker. This value is 4 hitpoints, which is 2 hearts. If the amount of damage done to the attacked entity is less than 4, than the damage dealt to the attacker is automatically scaled up to 4 hitpoints.

Additionally to a minimum damage dealt back, there's also a maximum damage dealt back. This value fluctuates depending on the attacker's max health. Essentially, if the damage done to the attacked entity is more than 80% of the attacker's max health, than the value is automatically scaled down to 80% of the attacker's max health. Without any modded health values or the instant health status effect, this value is equivalent to 16 hitpoints or 8 hearts.

The last change made to this status effect is that if both the attacker and attacked entity have the Prickly status effect, than no damage is dealth back to the attacker.

Reworked Functions | An Effective Buffet

Every single food in this update has gotten some buff or nerf. A full list of v2.0 food values, effects, and conditions can be found here. Though, a more in-depth list can be found below!

As some of you may notice - if you read through all of this - some of this information is familiar, and you would be correct! Some things went unchanged, but I felt it necessary to include all food values and effects together since so many of them were changed.

Also, ctrl + f is your friend - especially if you're looking for one piece of information in particular!

Food Rework | Nutrition/Saturation Values
  • Any Ungarnished nut now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Any Garnished nut now has a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier 0.20
  • Any Sweetened nut now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Any Chocolate Glazed nut now has a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Any Honeyed nut now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Nut Mix now has a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Sweeteend Nut Mix now has a nutrition value of 9 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Chocolate Glazed Nut Mix now has a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Honeyed Nut Mix now has a nutrition value of 9 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Garnished Sweet Berries now have a nutrition value of 5 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Honeyed Sweet Berries now have a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Any Melted Cinder Flour nut - including Meled Cinder Fluor nuts with effects - now has a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Garnished Meals now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Salad now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation value of 0.40
  • Cashew Apples now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Bitter Almonds now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Walnut Brownies now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Pecan Pies now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Cashew Cookies now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Almond Cheese now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Putrid Stew now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Nut Nachos now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Bowls of Nut Nachos now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Illuminating Cocktails now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Bitter Apple Cider now has a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Cryptic Apple Cider now has a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Mulch now adheres to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Mud Pies now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.15
  • Baklava now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Raw Tenebrous Meat now has a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Cooked Tenebrous Meat now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Gloomy Gatherings now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Aching Tenebrous Clumps now have a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Ghandercken now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Fishy Surprise now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Wheat Graze now has a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.10
  • Porkchop and Graze now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Murky Jelly now has a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Murky Macadamia Malice now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Nutty Melodies - despite not being an end food - now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Yam-o-Glow Puffs now have a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Cackling Pies now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Shining Dishes now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Muesli now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Dried Vermilion Kelp - and any other dried kelp added in the future, excluding Dried Dulse Kelp - now has a nutrition value of 2 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Dried Dulse Kelp now has a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Vast Brew now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Vermilion Stew now has a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Galvanic Hauntings now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Bewildered Pastries now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Incendiary Stews now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Bamboo Clods now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Overgrown Brews now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Meat Scraps now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Bok Choy now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Coal Truffles now have a nutrition value of 2 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • All Mastic Pastes now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • All Slime Drops - exluding Slime Drops covered in Mastic Resin - now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation value of 0.30
  • All Slime Drops covered in Mastic Resin now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • All Venerable Delicacies now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Icy Mastic Chunks now adhere to the overworld minimum values - a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Cashew Sorbet Scoops now have a nutrition value of 2 and a saturation modifier of 0.10
  • Cashew Sorbet Delights now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Walnut Gorge Cream now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Merry Treats now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Frosted Desserts now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Void Stroganoff now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Chilled Apples now have a nutrition value of 5 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Raw Polar Bear Meat now has a nutrition value of 5 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Cooked Polar Bear Meat now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Explorer's Concoction now adheres to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Prickly Pears now have a nutrition value of 1 and a saturation modifier of 0.10
  • Nopalito Wraps now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Nopalito Wrap Supremes now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Prickly Pear Stew now has a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.35
  • Sinopia Rock Sweets now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Thorn on a Stick now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Rosy Cocktails now adhere to the overworld maximum values - a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.65
  • Dusty Regales now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Stews of the Damned now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Peanut Oil and Cinder Sandwiches now have a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.70
  • Tophet Brews now have a nutrition value of 7 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Grim Stews now have a nutrition value of 9 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Weeping Tangles now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Cinder Rolls now have a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.25
  • Warped Brews now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.70
  • Bottles of Crestfallen Flora are no longer considered food items and are instead just a regular bottled ingredient
  • Bottled Malodorous Mixture now adheres to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Piquant Pretzels now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Iniquitous Brews now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.70
  • Omniscient Stews now adhere to the nether maximum values - a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Warped Tangles now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Crimson Tangles now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Sepia Tangles now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Fermented Cashew Mixture now has a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Soul Khana now has a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Spirited Concoctions now have a nutrition value of 8 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Molten Stews now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Sturdy Waffles now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Phantom Steak now adheres to the nether maximum values - a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Blazing Delight now adheres to the nether maximum values - a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • All Senile Sweets now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Chorus Cocktails now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Champion's Omelettes now adhere to the end maximum values - a nutrition value of 16 and a saturation modifier of 1.0
  • Farseer Brews now have a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Shelled Dumplings now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Bottled Ender Jelly now has a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Cosmic Brews now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Desolate Stews now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Ethereal Concoctions now have a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.60
  • Void Mixtures now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Chorus Bowls now adhere to the end maximum values - a nutrition value of 16 and a saturation modifier of 1.0
  • Chorus Cookies now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Galactic Canes now adhere to the end minimum values - a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.55
  • Ender Jelly Blobs now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Farmer's Delight - Pecan Pie Slices now have a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
  • Farmer's Delight - Phantom Burgers now adhere to the nether maximum values - a nutrition value of 12 and a saturation modifier of 0.80
  • Farmer's Delight - Phantom Beef Patties now adhere to the nether minimum values - a nutrition value of 6 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Farmer's Delight - Glow Ink Rolls now have a nutrition value of 10 and a saturation modifier of 0.40
  • Farmer's Delight - Glow Ink Roll Slices now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation modifier of 0.30
  • Farmer's Delight - Anniversary Cake Slices now have a nutrition value of 4 and a saturation of 0.20
  • Farmer's Delight - Brownie Pieces now have a nutrition value of 3 and a saturation modifier of 0.20
Food Rework | Conditional Effects

Several of these conditions also have varying chances of occurring. For example, A Tophet Brew has a much higher chance to trigger Fire Resistance than a Peanut Oil and Cinder Sandwich!

  • Cryptic Apple Cider has a 50/50 chance to provide either Strength or Slowness 3 for 45 seconds.
  • Meat Scraps will give the player Weakness as a punishment for consuming with the Bad Omen status effect. However, if the player is not inflicted with Bad Omen during consumption, then the player will recieve Resistance instead.
  • Several sweet foods - Coal Truffle, Mastic Paste(s), Slime Drop(s), Mastic Covered Slime Drop(s), Venerable Delicacies, Cashew Sorbet Scoop, Cashew Sorbet Delight, Walnut Gorge Cream, all Senile Sweet variants, Galactic Canes, and Ender Jelly (+some farmer's delight compat foods) - will provide the player with Regeneration for a short duration if the player is inflicted with the Sugar High status effect.
  • Merry Treats will provide the Sugar High status effect to the player.
  • Several cold foods - Frosted Dessert, Void Stroganoff, Chilled Apples, Raw and Cooked Polar Bear Meats - will provide the player with Regeneration for a short duration if the player is inflicted with the Freezing status effect or is being affected by the freezing condition.
  • Several desert foods - Prickly Pears, Nopalito Wraps, Nopalito Wrap Supreme, Prickly Pear Stew, Sinopia Rock Sweet, Thorn on a Stick, Rosy Cocktail, and Dusty Regales - will provide the player with Prickly if the player is inflicted with the Hunger status effect.
  • Stew of the Damned will provide the Prickly status effect to the player.
  • Several nether foods - Peanut Oil and Cinder Sandwich, Tophet Brew, Grim Stew, Weeping Tangle, Cinder Roll, Warped Brew, Bottled Malodorous Mixture, and Piquant Pretzels - will provide the player with Fire Resistance if the player is actively on fire.
  • A few end foods - Chorus Cocktails, Champion's Omelettes, Farseer Brews, and Shelled Dumplings - will provide the player with Slow Falling if the player is inflicted by Levitation.
Food Rework | Non-Conditional Effects
  • All Ungarnished nuts will provide the player with Nausea for a short period of time.
  • Each of the variants of Melted Cinder Flour nuts with effects can - you guessed it - provide one or more special effects.
    • Peanuts provide Slowness and Invisibility
    • Walnuts provide Strength
    • Almonds provide Haste
    • Hazelnuts provide Speed
    • Chestnuts provide Slow Falling
    • Pistachios provide Night Vision
    • Macadamias provide Fire Resistance
    • Pecans provide Resistance
    • Cashews provide Speed
  • Bitter Almonds provide Poison.
  • Putrid Stew provides the player with Nausea for a short duration.
  • Illuminating Cocktails provide the player with Glowing for a short duration.
  • Bitter Apple Cider provides the player with Slowness and Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Raw Tenebrous Meat provides the player with Darkness for a short duration.
  • Cooked Tenebrous Meat can provide the player with Regeneration for a short duration.
  • Gloomy Gatherings provide the player with Regeneration and Resistance for a short duration.
  • Fishy Surprises provide the player with Nausea for a short duration with the chacne to provide Poison for a short duration.
  • Shining Dishes can provide the player with Glowing for a short duration.
  • Vast Brews can provide the player with Water Breathing for a short duration.
  • Vermilion Stews can provide the player with Water Breathing for a short duration.
  • Galvanic Hauntings can provide the player with Water Breathing for a short duration.
  • Bewildered Pastries can provide the player with Dolphin's Grace for a short duration.
  • Incendiary Brew go boom boom.
  • Icy Mastic Chunks provide Slowness and Regeneration for a short duration.
  • Iniquitous Brews provide Fire Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Omniscient Stews can provide Night Vision or Cognate for a short duration or a moderate duration respectively.
  • Warped Tangles can provide Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Crimson Tangles can provide Fire Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Sepia Tangles can provide Spirited Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Fermented Cashew Mixture can - very rarely - provide the player with either Nausea or Strength for a long duration.
  • Soul Khana provides the player with Invisibiity and Speed for a long duration.
  • Spirited Concoctions provide the player with Spirited Resistance for a moderate duration.
  • Molten Stew provides the player with Fire Resistance for a short duration.
  • Sturdy Waffles provide the player with Resistance for a short duration.
  • Bottled Ender Jelly can provide the player with Cognate for a short duration.
  • Cosmic Brews provide the player with Night Vision for a moderate duration.
  • Desolate Stews can provide the player with Cognate for a moderate duration
  • Ethereal Concoctions can provide the player with Cognate for a moderate duration.
  • Chorus Cookies can provide the player with Speed for a short duration.
  • Galactic Canes provide the player with Cognate for a short duration.

Quality Production | Future QOL Updates

While this update is vastly focused on QOL changes, fixes, or additions, I do hope to do more of these kinds of updates in the future - taking in community feedback on features, adding features that I've been wanting to add for a long time - totally not referring to the ponder system that was removed a while back, I do apologise for that.

For example, on foods that provide a status effect of some kind, I want to have that shown as a tooltip on the item, similar to how Potions work. The only reason why I haven't added this is because certain foods have varying chances for certain effects. This is especially true now that certain groups of foods have bonus effects that can trigger under certain conditions. This is one of those features that would require some time to finetune and polish to ensure that it makes the community happy.

Another thing that I kind of want to touch on is the Zultanite system introduced in the previous update. The crushing recipes, in particular, have been adjusted a few times in hopes to balance it a bit more. Something that kind of circumvants this feature is Unstable Stone, which has a small chance to provide Crushed Gold Ore and/or Crushed Zinc Ore. The Zultanite recipes - with the help of the community - will probably be finetuned further and the Unstable Stone crushing recipe will also be adjusted to, at the very least, match these values or be a bit better or worse.

The Create: Garnished mod and Create: Garnished wiki have been developed and designed by DakotaPrideModding

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